Gregory J. Littleton
Ordained: 1990
Per Metuchen Bishop, Littleton gave info to diocese in 1993 that implicated him in sexual abuse of 2 minors. Removed from duty and sent for evaluation and 3 years of therapy. Allowed to return on limited basis; in 1997 he was returned to full time duty. Transferred to Charlotte NC diocese in 1997. Charlotte diocese was told of his past. Accusations made to Metuchen 10/02 and passed to Charlotte. Not removed from duties by Charlotte until 2/04 when accusations found to be credible. Per news in 8/18, Littleton claimed he was a victim of sexual misconduct by Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. McCarrick was removed from active ministry and resigned as Cardinal in 2018 due to past allegations of abuse of a minor; he also was accused of sexually abusing seminarians and priests while a NJ bishop.